Nudge Bars In Chrome For Toyota Utes
Nudge Bars In Chrome For Toyota Utes
Nudge bars not only look great - they also help prevent and reduce injuries in low impact accidents. They can also lessen the severity of injuries in high impact collisions and provide extra protection while driving off-road by safeguarding some of the most vulnerable parts of your ute.
These nudge bars not only look awesome, they can also help prevent and reduce injuries in low impact accidents, reduce the severity of injuries in high impact collisions, provide extra protection while driving in off-road conditions by safeguarding some of the most vulnerable parts of your ute.
Flat Top's loop nudge bar features special collapsible mount brackets to allow for airbag exposure and compliance. they attach easily and quickly to your chassis, no bumper removal required!
These nudge bars have only 2 mountings - a low loop a with stability top bracket and 72mm diameter short bend low loop design.
Made from top quality polished marine grade stainless steel for a superb finish, our nudge bars are a stylish and economical addition for your Toyota ute and way cheaper than manufactures 'genuine parts' prices.
The flat top difference
Seamless Colour & Fit Match
Australian Made Quality
Expertly Designed & Installed
Custom Solutions Tailored for You
At Flat Top, we understand that every ute owner is unique, with specific requirements and individual tastes. That’s why we offer a world of customised solutions designed to meet and exceed your expectations. From precise colour matching to a superior fit design, we ensure your ute lid is an extension of your style, your passion, and your lifestyle. Our Australian-made ute lids and accessories aren’t just high-quality products; they’re a testament to our commitment to providing a seamless, personalised experience.